Hi-Capa Ion Nozzle Springs Waldos
Hi-Capa Ion Nozzle Springs Waldos
Enhanced nozzle springs are crucial for ensuring consistent feeding in your airsoft pistols. That's why I dedicated myself to creating an optimal solution suitable for the legendary Hi-Capa platform.
Introducing the "Ion" Hi-Capa nozzle spring - a robust steel spring coated in slick purple to minimize friction. With a rating of approximately 140%, this nozzle spring guarantees reliability.
The Hi-Capa is especially known for having a high rate of fire for both general skirmishes, IPSC tournaments, and Speedsoft; So it was important to me at Waldo Dynamics to create a nozzle spring that would keep up with the cycle rate of this platform. It took months of development and many test samples to get here but it was all worth it for what's on your screen at this very moment.
The Ion Nozzle Spring boasts a unique, flawless finish reminiscent of actual milspec springs. This specialized coating not only reduces friction for smooth cycling but also offers a sleek and stylish appearance.